Making Disciples of the Nations…For the Glory of God.
Becoming a Community of Disciples…
We are a multi-cultural community of Christian disciples gathered in an international church setting. We seek to be a community of people who intentionally transcend national and cultural boundaries through the use of languages which are commonly used in a wide variety of national and cultural contexts. (e.g. English, French).
We are brought into community by responding to the Gospel; by repenting and trusting Christ to save us through His death and resurrection and now following Him as our Lord and Master.
We are committed to Grow as Disciples corporately and individually through
Making Disciples…
We actively make disciples locally and within other contexts through encouraging both those close to Jesus and far away to:
Meet Jesus. Know Jesus and to keep meeting Him in a growing relationship.
Maturing in Christ. Grow in Christ and to resemble Him in all areas of life.
Mobilizing as an Empowered, Equipped and Released Church. Serve Christ by actively engaging in Ministry.
Multiplying Disciples. Share Christ by growing new disciples who grow new disciples; multiplying disciples, ministries and new churches.
Moving as a Movement. Engage Christ in being part of seeing His Kingdom expand.
Making Disciples of the Nations
Our field of mission is the multi-cultural community of Addis Ababa, using English as our primary medium.
We aim to facilitate effective ministry to other communities using English as a bridge language (Korean, French, Chinese) in order to assist nationals in meeting the unique opportunities for discipleship of the nations in their native tongues in a multi-cultural city.
We engage in Missions and Church Planting locally, throughout Ethiopia and the nations to see more outposts of the Kingdom of God established that will make disciples.
We equip our transient multi-cultural attendees to be missionaries in whatever field of mission they may find themselves sent to next.
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